Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Activist dragged from Supes meeting not a fan of Blakespear


Audra Morgan was at last weeks San Diego County Board of Supervisors meeting when the San Diego County Sheriff’s forcibly removed her. The video shows the Sheriff dragging the woman on the ground with her arm, before aggressively putting her in handcuffs.

Ms. Morgan had some choice words for outgoing Mayor Blakespear at the October 19th City Council meeting during oral communications and regarding the Prop. 1 resolution.


  1. Margo, his brother in law and Blakespear are like all libs. They hate free speech and love murdering babies. That chick is a hero and was right about everything. Libs don't want people hearing the truth and are willing to assault an 80 pound woman to prevent it.

  2. I'm a tool and this site is lame.
    -Vargin Welsh

  3. Audra is amazing! I had seen a previous Speech by her in 2021, and it was very empowering. What this cop did to her on October 19th, 2022 for having Free Speech in regard to Encinitas Mayor Blakespear, and her Sandag Chair position, is outrageous. It reminds me of the George Floyd situation. The difference is Georg Floyd had a criminal record and had been in prison many times, not that it made it okay for the Police to do what they did. But in Audra’s case she was dragged by her Arm and thrown down on the floor and handcuffed for simply exercising her freedom of Speech. This totalitarian Marxist behavior by the Sheriff’s is beyond barbaric. This should’ve been all over the News. But I guess the fact she’s White, instead of Black made it non News worthy? It’s downright scary that Law enforcement is allowed to perpetrate this bullying physically excessive behavior and brutality on a nice law abiding God loving woman, who was simply exercising her Freedom of Speech. And yet heinous criminals get away with actual crimes where there are no repercussions, or punishment. The Progressive Marxist Leadership has gone insane. I am praying it isn’t too late to reverse this nonsense, and that we can go back to what this country was founded on. Freedom of Speech is the basic cornerstone. Once that gets taken away, everything goes to hell and a hand basket and we become Communist, Marxist, etc. When will ‘Wokees’ ‘Wake Up’ to this simple fact?

    1. She was annoying and disruptive.

  4. You must have seen her speak in person. I only saw the video clip, but I don’t doubt you that she is annoying. However, I always try to look at the content, rather than the delivery. If people hadn’t gotten so hung up on Trumps personality we’d still be running smoothly as a country. Trumps policies were great and he followed through with everything he said he’d do. In contrast, look at the mess we’re in now with corrupt dementia Joe and his laughing Hyena Camel breath dingbat VP. I’d take Trumps personality any day, over ‘No personality Zombie Joe’s’ any day.

  5. Audra Morgan, actress, anti-vaxxer, conspiracy theory queen fucked around and found out. Got exactly what she deserved for disrupting their meeting.

  6. The local pro lifers loved her.

  7. Let’s not be like Catherine Fakespear and play the Fake abortion card, when abortion was already legal(what a Snake Shakespeare is). This isn’t about abortion, and everyone with half a brain cell knows it! So let’s not divert the real subject this is about. This is about Freedom of Speech! Do you want to become China? Their Govt’s still controlling them through lockdowns. The Chinese people have had enough and are protesting. They’re willing to suffer the brutal consequences perpetrated upon them by their cruel dictators. Biden is indicating he condones Communist China’s oppression of it’s citizens.
    The most important role of a President is to protect and defend Freedom and Democracy. Yet Biden fails to do that. But of course we know why.... China owns Joe, and his son Hunter. We are losing more and more of our Freedoms under this administration. Biden is a complete Fail! So I’m glad there are activists like this woman who are willing to speak out, and wake people up to what’s happening right under our noses.

  8. What is the backstory here?

  9. What do you mean by backstory? Do you mean Ms.Morgan? Pertaining to the video above: Ms Morgan was expressing her displeasure w/Catherine Blakespear, when she was physically man handed because of it. It’s surprising this physical assault perpetrated on Ms Morgan is getting increasingly more prevalent in Cities around the U.S. Ms Morgan has spoke out at other Counsel Meetings, and has become known for speaking out to protect our Freedom of Speech and protect our other Rights.

    1. She was at a county Board of Supervisors meeting, mouthing off in the crowd after twice being asked by the Chair to stop interrupting the meeting. No Blakespear reference at all.

  10. 9:08 she’s an activist that goes to multiple board meetings. I’ve watched a couple of her clips, one of which referenced Blakespear. She did not yell or scream, or do anything that warranted being manhandled, in any of them. Shame on them for manhandling and for silencing here ability to have a voice and freedom of choice..
