Wednesday, November 16, 2022

11/16/22 City Council meeting open thread

 Please use the comments to record your observations.


  1. Now that Dalakranz has been elected he finally woke up and realizes the homeless issue he created is out of control. Suggesting we should be more like Carlsbad where they reduced their transient population while Encinitas under Fakespear and his leadership invited thousands of transients here and grew it by 30%. Maybe transients being allowed to sleep in cars wherever they want wasn't the best idea Tony.

  2. City Council opens with Dalakranz as a shit show.

    Hey La Costa Avenue is important and residents are pissed.

    City Manager - " We do not have any money, you put it all towards your favorite pet project - Finger painting at Pacific View with your favorite Karens"... and onward, " Wake up City Council, we are broke!"

    Rail Road Crossings -How do the at-grade RR crossing at Glacius and Hillcrest work with the planned grade separation at Leucadia Blvd. which is planned by 2035 which is less than 13 years away now?

  3. The constant losers picked another loser and now we have Joy and Kranz.

  4. It’s gonna be a sad sad long two years. 😩

  5. So thank you heros of Encinitas residents who are cutting Tony's fence! Its working. We want our historical access. Check out item 11.

    This horrendous assault on historical access will not allowed.

    Cut and Cut more. The Coaster is hazardous.

    Now Leucadia.

  6. I can't wait to sign the petition for Dalakranz recall. Stop the destruction of two more years of hazardous decisions from the town dunce.
